
El equipo de Colunga Team y yo te damos la Bienvenida a nuestra casa. Deseamos que te diviertas y que convivas con respeto y cariño con los demás integrantes de nuestra gran Familia.


Mr. Colunga,

First of all I want to congradulate you on your 20 years of a wonderful and successful career that you have made for yourself. You are a very admirable person for having that great discipline that was mentioned on Christina\'s show last night. I hope to continue seing you on the screen and my dream is to one day be able to meet you in person. God willing, that will happen some day. May God keep blessing you and bring you prosperity for His glory. Sorry, I really don\'t know how to spell much in spanish, but I do speak the language. Anywho, best of luck for this year.


Publicado por LovelyLady
Publicado el 13/01/2009 14:26 - Total Temas: 1 - Total Mensajes: 1
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